Set in 1990s regional Victoria, The Fort tells the story of one woman’s battle to escape her abusive marriage while attempting to shelter her son from the grim realities of family violence.

Kitty is a stay-at-home mum married to Graham whose suppression of a traumatic childhood sees him choosing to repeat abusive patterns of behaviour he and his mother experienced from his own father. Becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of her situation, Kitty begins to fear the impact her volatile marriage is having on 10-year- old Tom, and the long-term effects her turbulent home life might have on her son.

Kitty builds Tom a fort in his bedroom; a safe space where they can retreat when the hostilities they face at home become overwhelming. The Fort transports Tom and Kitty to a series of fantasy worlds, that give Kitty a taste of freedom, from the fear and control that dominates her home life, fortifying her to plan their escape.

Director Carly Anne & Jess Kenneally
Editor: Carly Anne Kenneally